Ganbatte Popup Cars + Anime & Boba
Glendale, AZ
9184 W Northern AVE #105
August 17, 2024
Come and see me at another free to attend Ganbatte Popup at Tastea from 7-10pm!! I'll be selling art prints, accessories, and more! Yowzers!

Artist Alley at Saboten Con
Phoenix, AZ
September 1-4, 2024
Once again I'll be at Saboten Con!! Come see me! 
I'll be selling art prints, accessories, and more! Golly Gosh!
Artist Alley at Game On Expo
Phoenix, AZ
April 4-6, 2025
I'll be back at Game On Expo, come see me! 
I'll be selling art prints, accessories, and more! Hot Dog!
Artist Alley at Phoenix Fan Fusion
Phoenix, AZ
June 6-8, 2025
Once again I'll be at Phoenix Fan Fusion!! Come see me! 
I'll be selling art prints, accessories, and more! Gee whiz!
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